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The topic of fascia has become a buzzword in the wellness industry in recent years. This is mainly down to studies and scientific research that has shown a direct correlation between the health of our fascia and our physical wellbeing and mental health.

February is a super exciting month for the  Aligned Life Studio and our community as we are introducing several new ways to get aligned and flowing. This month, the amazing Charlie Morgan joins the Aligned Life Studio with classes in yoga, meditation, and breathwork.

I am so thrilled to welcome Charlie to the Studio as she not only is a fantastic world-class yoga instructor with a beautiful personality that I know you are all going to love, but she is also trained in one of my loves, myofascial release.  Charlie incorporates fascia-focused techniques into her yoga practice, so her teaching perfectly complements the existing workouts in the Aligned Life Studio. Plus, I loooove yoga and have practiced it for years (as well as having some basic yoga training).  

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