Happy Holidays Aligned Tribe!
There is no judgment about botox, but I do believe that beyond the skin deep paradigm of outer beauty lies access to a profound radiance from within.
I just love the word radiance and the energy or frequency it carries - its deeper than the word glow, it expands beyond you and into the quantum or biofield (a large field of energy that surrounds and extends out from the body about 8 feet. No part of the energy system is visible to the human eye but the biofield can be felt with the hands, often through either pressure or temperature changes) around you…
Radiance definition: a measure of the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface; light or heat as emitted or reflected by something.
This month we are focusing on changing the paradigm around how we experience and process the reaction of stress, stressful situations and the aftermath.
Stress is not meant to harm us, but is rather a reaction that is hardwired from within to help us survive. Of course, it doesn’t always seem like that but according to research, this is due to our perception of stress, rather than the stress itself. The good news about perception is that changing it is something we can control. This is especially important given that how we respond to stress is fundamental to our vitality, longevity and wellbeing. The side effects of long term accumulated chronic stress can become insidious, permeating into so many areas of our lives, increasing inflammation and belly fat, and causing weight gain, muscle loss, cancer and infertility to name a few, as well as breaking us down mentally, physically, emotionally and energetically - even triggering many diseases. In fact, 95 percent of all illness is caused or worsened by stress.
The same life force that created the universe and everything in it flows through our bodies.
Yogis refer to it as prana; the Chinese term is chi. This vital and abundant life-giving energy is the building block of all life.
Accessing this energy can reboot your system with truly transformational results. Life-force energy runs along our meridians and chakras, which are located in our fascial system. When we create flow and juiciness in our fascia, we open up our energy channels to allow the unobstructed movement of this subtle yet powerful healing force.
I am so thrilled to share that launching this May, we are welcoming a new face to the Aligned Life Studio — and a new way to get aligned. This month, the incredible Amber Stephens is joining the studio with barre classes to get your heart pumping and your energy flowing.
The topic of fascia has become a buzzword in the wellness industry in recent years. This is mainly down to studies and scientific research that has shown a direct correlation between the health of our fascia and our physical wellbeing and mental health.
February is a super exciting month for the Aligned Life Studio and our community as we are introducing several new ways to get aligned and flowing. This month, the amazing Charlie Morgan joins the Aligned Life Studio with classes in yoga, meditation, and breathwork.
I am so thrilled to welcome Charlie to the Studio as she not only is a fantastic world-class yoga instructor with a beautiful personality that I know you are all going to love, but she is also trained in one of my loves, myofascial release. Charlie incorporates fascia-focused techniques into her yoga practice, so her teaching perfectly complements the existing workouts in the Aligned Life Studio. Plus, I loooove yoga and have practiced it for years (as well as having some basic yoga training).