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Are you searching for the perfect holiday giftthat gives extra love and elevated wellnessthis season? Or, do you want to nudge a loved one to a gift you wouldreallylike to receive so you can enhance your daily rituals stepping into 2022?

It goes without saying that the metabolism is an essential function of your body - after all it is how we process food and create energy.  So obviously it can also have a profound impact on how we look and feel within. No matter where you are with your wellness routine, giving the metabolism a little extra love and attention can enhance your overall health and give your body a delicious reset.
All too often we’re told that to get the body (and life!) of your dreams we need to beat ourselves up doing all sorts of crazy cardio or intense gym workouts and deprive ourselves to within a calorie of our lives.  I’m here to tell you that is just not the way the body works.  Attaining the body and life of your dreams might seem like a far-fetched fairytale, but I have developed a holistic and joyful approach to health, fitness and well-being that emphasises balance and a holistic approach that really works.  It’s based on what I call the 4 Pillars - Move, Nourish, Cleanse and Connect. 
Are you looking to create some healthy, grounding practices so that you can start each day with positivity, intention and a feeling of well-being?  That first half hour after you wake up is a key time of day and I’m a huge fan of developing a grounding, empowering morning routine that incorporates movement medicine, nourishing food and positive affirmations. If you’re needing a little inspiration to get develop your own morning routine then please check out my blog for my  favorite morning rituals that keep me glowing all day long.  But for now let’s dive deeper into affirmations.
It sure isn’t easy to stick to your healthy eating habits during vacations and Holiday season - and let’s face it, after a year like these past ones, we all deserve a little indulgence.  But, September is a great time to start looking at our goals and think about prioritizing rituals like self care.  It’s ‘back to school’ and when our planners actually begin. This is the time to take charge and get inspired. So if you are looking to shed a little bit of that extra weight, banish your bloat, and wake up feeling lighter and rejuvenated, I have seven simple tips that will leave you with a flatter stomach!
Summer is here (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) and as always I am SO ready to get my glow on.  For a Cali girl, ‘tis the season: a healthy tan, sparkling skin and salty hair from hours spent swimming in the water and soaking up the sun.  But summer can take a toll and with the vital importance of looking after our skin, this is a great time to restock your beauty cabinet with a new body oil or lotion so you can keep your skin glowing.
As we are now starting to immerse back into this new world, staying on top of our mental health game is more important than ever.  We all need to focus on taking time to nourish the mind, even if it’s just for a few minutes every day. If you are looking to boost your meditation and relaxation regime, look no further because today I am sharing one of my favorite self-care rituals, which helps me sweat out toxins AND get my daily dose of meditation. 
It’s that time of year again - summer is coming (at least for those in the Northern Hemisphere) and many of us feel that annual pressure to slim down and tone up for the season of bathing suits, shorts, and sundresses. While it’s lovely to dive into summer feeling strong, confident, and beautiful, sadly many of my clients feel they can only achieve that through rigorous workout classes and starvation diets. While excessive cardio and crash diets can yield fast, noticeable results, those results are too often fleeting.  We gain the weight we lost right back because that kind of lifestyle just does not work long-term as our bodies can’t withstand intense deprivation for long. 
Are you feeling overwhelmed about what to eat every day to stay healthy, nourished, and energized? Exercise is SO important, but it’s only part of the equation because as I always say “you can’t exercise your way out of unhealthy eating”. A healthy diet is essential for glowing skin, weight loss, and a nourished mind, body and soul. So if you are looking to step up your kitchen game and implement a healthy eating schedule and menu into your 2021 regime, I have a meal guide for you! Just keep scrolling for a few of my favorite tricks and tools for creating a schedule and menu filled with colorful, nourishing foods that help me feel strong and satiated.
Are you searching for the secret to deep, restful, sleep? A good night’s sleep is incredibly powerful - it can be the key to glowing skin, a positive mood and even maintaining a healthy weight. But it’s not always easy to turn off the “monkey mind” and sleep well.  If you have been lying awake at night, unable to relax, unwind from your day, and fall asleep, I have the solution for you: magnesium - or as I like to call it, the miracle mineral. 
You know I’m all about flushing toxins out of the body, whether it's through a workout, a detoxifying ingredient in a meal, or a foam rolling sequence. But detoxifying the body isn’t just about what we put inside our bodies - it’s also important to pay attention to what we put on our body’s surface: in other words, what you put onto your beautiful skin.
Are you looking for an easy AND tasty way to lose weight and boost your immunity? I have the perfect, pickled solution for you: try incorporating naturally fermented foods into your diet. You will notice a glow from the inside out, and you will just feel healthier! Amazing, right? 
Have you ever been in a workout class, or maybe you are sweating it out on a pilates reformer or a yoga mat, and your instructor is constantly reminding you to breathe?  You might find that you were actually holding your breath and clenching your body as you completed the workout, but what’s the big deal? We naturally breathe whenever we need - I mean, it’s a survival instinct, right?  So why do fitness instructors and wellness experts constantly remind people to breathe during a workout? I know I am always tell our Aligned Tribe community to keep breathing whenever I am filming new content for the Aligned Life Studio, and you are probably wondering why. 
Are you looking for a quick, easy workout that allows you  to let loose, shake your stress away, AND strengthen your body all at once? I have the perfect workout for you: rebounding! I like to call rebounding the youth-boosting workout because it doesn’t just help you burn calories, it can support your pelvic floor (for sexual health), ease your stress - all while having fun and helping get your groove on. And having fun is crucial to staying young!
It’s the start of a New Year - and for many of us, that means revamping our diet, workout regime and mental health routine so we can start the year off healthy and glowing. Many people prioritize their bodies during this time with a new fitness plan, but it is SO important to make sure you are also nourishing your mind and soul - and a beautiful way to take a breath, clear your mind, and set intentions is to try practicing meditation.  

Firstly, I want to give you a huge warm welcome to ‘ELEVATE’, my guided introduction to the  Aligned Life Studio.

The main reason I created ELEVATE is because I know it can be confusing when you first sign up and log into the Studio.  

Where do I start?  

What workout or sequence is right for me?  

What order should I do things in?  

So the first aim of ELEVATE is to take all the guesswork out so you know exactly how to use the Studio. You’ll start with an Introductory week and then follow a program that I have carefully curated to take you through the full variety of workouts in the Studio over the course of the following 10 weeks. 

I’ve recently shared a lot about my  Clearlight infrared sauna  -- the newest addition to our backyard and a veritable mini wellness sanctuary where I can rest, rejuvenate, and detoxify my body. The intense heat the infrared sauna produces is fabulous for the body, and just a few minutes in the sauna can give you a GLOW from the inside out and ease the worries of the day (or year - I’m talking to you 2020!) But beyond the incredibly calming and relaxing benefits of the infrared sauna, the heat can also tighten the skin, ease muscle and joint pain, aid with weight loss and cellulite and even boost the immune system - and these days who doesn’t want a little immune boost?
Are you looking for a way to kick off 2021 feeling energized and revitalized?  So many of us are on the hunt for the perfect workout - something that gives you a cardio boost without beating you up.  But it is SO challenging during these times of studio and gym closures.  Don’t worry - you don’t need a spin studio or HIIT class to get a sculpting, full body cardio-boosting workout. You don’t even need any special equipment. Just throw on your workout wear, grab your comfiest pair of sneakers, turn on your favorite song, audiobook or podcast, and go for a walk. 
If you’ve been a part of this community for a while, you know how much I appreciate cleansing, healing and grounding daily rituals to help us find balance, peace and alignment. Now it’s incredibly important to create time for Yin practices of “BEING” to help balance all the Yang of “DOING” and especially during this unprecedented year.
Trying to eat clean and even sustainably on a tight budget?  I know - it sometimes seems like an oxymoron, right? You know I love healthy, fresh, organic foods - I support my local farmer’s as often as possible, and my favorite recipes are filled with leafy greens and fresh fruit. But let’s be real, buying farm fresh, organic produce is NOT cheap. If you want to keep your diet healthy, fresh, and delicious on a budget, I have the solution for you. Check out my two essential lists for shopping organic: The Dirty Dozen (these are foods, that if you have the choice, you should really invest in the organic or Non GMO option) and the Clean 15 (this is produce that is safe enough to buy conventionally grown).
‘Tis the season to be giving - it’s safe to say, we’re all in need of some extra festive cheer this year along with a bit of wellness fairy dust too! Our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide is fhere with a curated list of sustainable, healing, thoughtful, cozy and beautiful gifts - these are gifts that keep on giving.
Oh the power of denim - they feel like sunshine or an old friend! They can be so many things: sexy, flattering, edgy, comfy, long lasting, hardworking, and even get better with age and wear. Our jeans truly take on the spirit of the body that wears them. 
One of my absolute favorite ways to clear the residue of the day, unwind and detoxify physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically is to do a session in my Clearlight infrared sauna. We’ve made our home into a wellness sanctuary and I highly recommend doing it. I love infrared saunas because they use infrared panels to heat up the body’s core at a cellular level where the toxins are stored, meaning they are more efficient at mobilizing those toxins so you can sweat them out.  But the benefits of the deep penetrating heat that the infrared sauna produces goes well beyond just detoxifying. It boosts circulation, oxygenates the tissues, eases muscle and joint pain and even tightens the skin.  Plus, it’s so deeply relaxing that it eases any anxiety and tension and feels so incredibly healing and calming that I’ve never slept better than when I take a sauna before bed.
Looking for an eco-friendly way to care for your swimwear? It’s summertime, and one of my absolute favorite things to do during the summer is throw on a suit and cover up and head to the beach, soak up the earth's energy, take a dip  in the salty water and bask in vitamin D. I’ve always loved being active in the water - in my 20’s I was a collegiate swimmer and water polo player - and I think summertime is the best time to go outside, be active, get sweaty, and dive into the ocean and wash my system clean. 

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