Practicing daily self care rituals helps you check in with your goals and priorities. And while massages, dry brushing and salt baths offer up some major R&R for the body, conscious language can work wonders for the mind and ego. Our daily communication with others and our own self-talk has a huge impact on our daily realities and can leave a negative or positive stamp, depending on the route we choose to take. Becoming conscious of the way we communicate and the language we use helps us get to the root of what is blocking us from our own authentic joy. And when we become more aware of how we speak about ourselves on a daily basis, we become more aware, present, and empowered to focus on making true long-lasting change from the inside out. The best part? You don’t need to squeeze this ritual in between your daily to-do’s. It all comes down to awareness!
Are you tired of performing endless squats and lunges in the hopes of shaping your booty, but instead just ending up bulky thighs - beyond that, never quite getting the peach lifting results you’re hoping for? Don’t worry, I have a sequence for YOU that will help reveal the toned, strong and lifted tush you’ve always wanted, minus the squats and lunges! Plus these moves will help smooth away cellulite, build a proper foundation to stabilize your body and ease compression on your joints.
Are you looking to remove toxins from your body, your energy and your immunity? If so I want to highlight a simple, effective ritual that will help you say goodbye not just to toxins, but also to cellulite, and dull skin. It’s called ‘dry body brushing’!
The morning is such an important time because it sets the tone for the entire day. When we practice morning routines that get us grounded, inspired and glowing, we’re set up for a beautiful and successful day. So, I’m going to share with you the morning rituals that get me going and help me start my day off rejuvenated and radiant.
All of us feel the need to reset and reboot at times, whether it's after a vacation, a particularly busy or stressful time in life, too many glasses of wine or maybe after the summer holidays. And while it is normal and happens to everyone, it's important to try and approach this feeling or need to reset in a healthy and positive way. I've found that being kind to yourself and moving forward with positivity is the best and most impactful way to start fresh.
If you frequent yoga classes you’ve probably heard your teacher use the term “vibration” – and you might have wondered “what do they really mean by vibration?” It sounds pretty ‘woo woo’ right, but it’s actually all about quantum physics. The thing is everything in the universe is made up of tiny particles of energy vibrating at different frequencies. What’s crazy is that even things that look solid - like your house, car, pets, and even yourself - have vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. So when your teacher talks about “vibration” they are really refering to your overall current state of being.
The old saying “you are what you eat” is SO true. Research shows that the foods we eat not only have a huge impact on the health of ourinternal bodies and digestive systems, but that they can also have a massive impact on the health of our connective tissue - and even ourexternal bodies, specifically our skin, nails and nair. That’s why eating a healthy diet filled with what I like to call “Fascia Foods” is a really important part of my lifestyle - and I hope you can make it a part of yours.
Our physical form is not just a direct result of what we put into our bodies and the exercise we do - it is also affected by our thoughts and beliefs and the tension we carry both energetically and physically on a day-to-day basis. While we might be hyper-focused on trying to work on so-called “problem areas” like the belly, why is it that often we don’t see the results we want? The reason belly fat can be so hard to lose is because it requires a shift in focus from the usual routine of starving yourself and doing crunches or planks to a more evolved version of the mind-body connection that helps us shed stress and emotional baggage, release toxins, and cleanse and rejuvenate the body from the inside out.
When I created the Taller Slimmer Younger Transformation program I built it around four pillars, MOVE, NOURISH, CLEANSE and CONNECT. Together these pillars make up the holistic methodology that lies at the core of my approach to wellness and fitness (you can read more about the 4 pillars in this blog post ).
Based on my Best Selling TSY book of the same name, the empowering Taller Slimmer Younger Transformation program is a virtual video workout course with a fascia foods nourishing meal plan also with my go-to detoxifying and self care rituals. The challenge is a time we come together as a community to connect and go through this journey together and support each other. It’s delivered over ten weeks and each week is progressive and builds on the last week. I designed this program as a holistic process and a system that will balance and optimize both the structure, shape and function of your entire body and the miraculous energy it holds over the course of 10 weeks. Don’t just take it from me, check out our Transformation article with so many beautiful success stories!
Right now, a major transformation is happening all around us in real time. As we all stay at home and turn our focus to our health and family, Mother Nature is going through a transformation of her own - a transformation that starts with restoration. And we can certainly learn a thing for two from her journey as we set out on another awesome Taller Slimmer Younger (TSY) `Transformation Challenge!
With many of us feeling called to nourish, cleanse, heal and strengthen our bodies and a desire to realign during this uncertain time, we are blessed to have had many new souls grace our Aligned Tribe community over the last few weeks. I am super excited to welcome you all and honor your desire to deepen your awareness and become more empowered and connected to your miraculous body! So I’d love to go deep with you, introduce myself and share my story. I’d also love to hear your stories and what inspires you!
Do you ever have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night? Unfortunately, having trouble sleeping deep is such a common problem and lack of a good slumber affects so many areas of our health. Sleep plays such an important role in everything from our skin health, to our mood and weight. If you don't get enough sleep each night, chances are you don't feel like your best self–no matter what you eat or how you exercise
Even though every day is Earth Day around here, I’m super excited to celebrate the official Earth Day this Wednesday, April 22nd. The earth provides us with so much nourishment, beauty, healing and also helps wash our spirits clean so it’s only appropriate we take a day to celebrate her. And my favorite ways to do that are “earthing” and “forest bathing”.
When you immerse into one of my programs, particularly Taller Slimmer Younger 10 Week Transformation, I recommend you take 'before' and 'after' photos for your own self satisfaction and comparison. Also before you start any transformation, it’s important to know where you’re at now. This is going to be your baseline – and things are about to look up because it’s all going to get firmer, taller, more sculpted and more toned! So get measuring and taking your 'before' and 'after' photos because this will help motivate you to keep going! Below are my top tips...
March 8, was International Women’s Day - a day aimed at celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women worldwide. It is also a day focused on helping gain more global equality for women - because we’re still not there when it comes to gender equality across the board. That’s right Sisters - there is still work to be done.
With the effects of the Coronavirus now starting to take hold almost everywhere in the world, a recurring question I am being asked is “what do you do to boost your and your families immune system?”
It’s no secret that one of the keys to living an aligned, happy, healthy and joyful life is having meaningful and authentic connection. That’s why I made “Connect” one of the four pillars of the Taller, Slimmer, Younger Transformation Program – because when you have true connection in your life and a tribe to honor and support you, that’s when true transformation can happen.
The reason I created this program with four pillars is to create a holistic transformation from the inside out. This system is structure and a purpose that is easy to follow and you simply cannot have a complete transformation of one without the other.
Remember when you were young and science fiction films were set in the far distant year of 2020. Well here we are already! Cue every cliché about life speeding up and time accelerating (although we still don’t seem to have those jetpacks we were promised).
Taller, Slimmer, Transformation is a comprehensive online program that you can access from anywhere. We have had thousands of women across the world complete this body and soul transformation program and the results are incredible.
Having a tight pelvic floor sounds like a good thing, right? This is an area where many women have real problems—particularly after childbirth and as they age. When I began studying structural integration (a type of bodywork that focuses on lengthening and stretching connective tissue a.k.a. fascia)
Foam Rolling is my secret weapon to getting a gorgeous, slimmer, more elegant posture and a strong and smoking body. Most people think of the foam roller as a tool to roll out tight IT bands but used regularly, it can completely transform your body, posture, confidence and even your state of mind.
Fascia is a thin layer of connective tissue that encases your body under your skin like a wetsuit and actually wraps itself around every muscle, joint, and organ. If you’ve ever cut into a piece of raw chicken or steak and seen that thin, white, filmy layer, then you’ve seen fascia.