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  • 4 min read


The old saying “you  are  what  you  eat” is SO true.  Research shows that the foods we eat not only have a huge impact on the health of our  internal bodies and digestive systems, but that they can also have a massive impact on the health of our connective tissue - and even our  external bodies, specifically our skin, nails and hair.  That’s why eating a healthy diet filled with what I like to call “Fascia Foods” is a really important part of my lifestyle - and I hope you can make it a part of yours.

But first things first - what is fascia? Fascia (also known as connective tissue) is a thin layer of tissue that lies under the skin and wraps every muscle and organ in the body. If you’ve ever cut into a piece of raw chicken or steak and seen that thin, white and filmy layer, that’s fascia. The best way to imagine fascia is to think of a thin, cling wrap-like layer that lies between the skin and the muscles like a web. It wraps around the entire body and every individual muscle and organ and also connects the muscles to the bones. So fascia is key to the structural integrity of our bodies.  Fascia is also where the nerves and lymph nodes lie – so it is now being referred to as a sensory organ, as this is where pain originates and is communicated to the brain. Western medicine has only recently begun to really recognize the role of fascia in the body, and terms like “myofascial release” are now buzzwords in the fitness industry.

The problem is that things like physical injuries, poor diet and even negative energy or emotions resulting from stress and trauma can adversely impact our fascia - with all sorts of repercussions ranging from poor posture to bad digestion as well as skin and hair issues.  Things like foam rolling can certainly help heal your fascia - but eating right is also key.  So how do Fascia Foods help revitalize your fascia?  Well, there are several ways that different foods can be “fascia superstars.” 


FIRST, Fascia Foods contribute to collagen production because they contain vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C and zinc, that are required for your body to make collagen. Fascia itself is made of bundles of collagen fibers—that means that fascia needs collagen to be healthy, and even to survive in your body at all!

As we age, it’s more difficult for our body to produce enough collagen, which is a reason why our skin gets saggier. But by giving your body a plentiful supply of the nutrients that are needed to create collagen, you’re making life a lot better for your skin and your fascia – and that means you’ll look AND feel better.

SECOND, fascia foods contain connective tissue and amino acids, which are also essential for your cells to produce collagen. That’s why collagen protein powder is having such a heyday right now: because the amino acids it contains literally give your body exactly what it needs to produce collagen. Bone broth and lean animal proteins also have the amino acid building blocks that you need to create collagen.

FINALLY, many fascia foods such as high fiber chia seeds can help contribute to your gut health, which is essential to help you better absorb nutrients that promote collagen production. 

So, I make sure my diet is packed with foods like bone broth, which is packed with amino acids and collagen, citrus and peppers, which have a high vitamin C content, herbs to boost my metabolism, minerals to decrease inflammation, and high fiber chia seeds for my gut health. 

An AMAZING benefit of eating Fascia Foods is their power to strengthen our digestive tract. Too often in our modern lives our digestive systems aren’t in tip top shape, and that can have an impact on how well we absorb the nutrients we consume. The reason collagen is important is because it builds gut health, which is essential to help you better absorb nutrients. Eating fascia super foods that strengthen your digestive tract, like high fiber beans and greens, can also help to repair the gut so that you can reap the full benefits of the vitamin C in citrus, the antioxidants in tea, and the amino acids in fish.

So, I’ve created a handy list of Fascia Food superstars to help you focus on the foods that will do the most for your inner and outer beauty. It’s divided by health benefits: some contain antioxidants that are needed for collagen production, some have fiber for gut restoration, and some contain the amino acid building blocks of collagen. 

In my recipes - some of which are featured on my  Instagram feed and mainly within my  Taller Slimmer Younger Program - you’ll learn more about each of these ingredients and how to use them. Of course, some categories overlap (for example, avocados contain fiber in addition to antioxidants), and are categorized based on their biggest health benefit.

I hope you can start to integrate these “Fascia Foods” into your diet - and enjoy all the benefits that having healthy fascia can bring.




  • Avocados
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Berries
  • Citrus fruits
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell peppers
  • Honey
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Leafy greens
  • Dark Chocolate / cocoa powder
  • Tea, especially white and green
  • Herbs & Spices, especially ginger, turmeric, and fresh herbs like parsley, rosemary, and basil
  • Red wine


  • Beans
  • Hard squashes
  • Seeds, such as sunflower or chia
  • Nuts, such as almonds or cashews


  • Bone broth 
  • Yogurt
  • Kefir 
  • Fish
  • Red meat
  • Eggs
  • Oysters

If you want to try some of my Fascia Food recipes, sign up and download the Immune Boosting Fascia Food Recipes PDF in the FREE ImmUNITY Boosting program. 

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