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Hello there, beautiful souls! It's Lo here, and I'm beyond excited to begin our December journey together - to a Replenished Body and Spirit. As the leaves change and we cozy into this beautiful, brisk season, it's the perfect time to find that sweet balance in our lives. Think of it as harmony between doing and being, aligning with nature, and flowing with the shifting temperatures and shorter days.
Last December when I sat with my team to plan our monthly educational themes for 2023, we had planned to focus on trauma this month.  But in light of the recent events in the world and the unrest and pain we are all feeling, we have decided to change the theme from “Healing Trauma” to “Embodying Joy.”  Not because trauma isn’t a worthy topic.  It clearly is - in fact it’s more relevant than ever.  But we felt that reframing the issue of healing trauma as embodying joy was more appropriate right now.

There is no judgment about botox, but I do believe that beyond the skin deep paradigm of outer beauty lies access to a profound radiance from within.

I just love the word radiance and the energy or frequency it carries - its deeper than the word glow, it expands beyond you and into the quantum or biofield  (a large field of energy that surrounds and extends out from the body about 8 feet. No part of the energy system is visible to the human eye but the biofield can be felt with the hands, often through either pressure or temperature changes) around you…

Radiance definition:  a measure of the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface;  light or heat as emitted or reflected by something.

With six planets in reverse motion, be prepared for a slow-down during this month. Instead of reacting with frustration to the change of pace, make the necessary adjustments. Think things through carefully and seize opportunities through reflection. After an active first half of the year, this breather comes as a blessing. Mistakes are prevented through careful diligence which leads to security and contentment. 

The same life force that created the universe and everything in it flows through our bodies.

Yogis refer to it as prana; the Chinese term is chi. This vital and abundant life-giving energy is the building block of all life.

Accessing this energy can reboot your system with truly transformational results. Life-force energy runs along our meridians and chakras, which are located in our fascial system. When we create flow and juiciness in our fascia, we open up our energy channels to allow the unobstructed movement of this subtle yet powerful healing force.

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