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Almost half the year has passed in 2023. May is the perfect month to evaluate your achievements manifested for the year so far. Take a good look where you are at right now on your path and outlay your ambitions for the months to come. The Sun’s transit through earthly Taurus for the first three weeks of May supports qualities like determination, stability and tenacity. These characteristics come handy now as impulsivity and hurried decisions can create various problems and conflicts. With a concrete strategy at hand you will be able to strengthen your material foundation. Focus on the constructive things in your life so that this month becomes a positive experience for you!
Are you feeling overwhelmed about what to eat every day to stay healthy, nourished, and energized? Exercise is SO important, but it’s only part of the equation because as I always say “you can’t exercise your way out of unhealthy eating”. A healthy diet is essential for glowing skin, weight loss, and a nourished mind, body and soul. So if you are looking to step up your kitchen game and implement a healthy eating schedule and menu into your 2021 regime, I have a meal guide for you! Just keep scrolling for a few of my favorite tricks and tools for creating a schedule and menu filled with colorful, nourishing foods that help me feel strong and satiated.
Are you looking for an easy AND tasty way to lose weight and boost your immunity? I have the perfect, pickled solution for you: try incorporating naturally fermented foods into your diet. You will notice a glow from the inside out, and you will just feel healthier! Amazing, right? 
Trying to eat clean and even sustainably on a tight budget?  I know - it sometimes seems like an oxymoron, right? You know I love healthy, fresh, organic foods - I support my local farmer’s as often as possible, and my favorite recipes are filled with leafy greens and fresh fruit. But let’s be real, buying farm fresh, organic produce is NOT cheap. If you want to keep your diet healthy, fresh, and delicious on a budget, I have the solution for you. Check out my two essential lists for shopping organic: The Dirty Dozen (these are foods, that if you have the choice, you should really invest in the organic or Non GMO option) and the Clean 15 (this is produce that is safe enough to buy conventionally grown).
The old saying “you  are  what  you  eat” is SO true.  Research shows that the foods we eat not only have a huge impact on the health of ourinternal bodies and digestive systems, but that they can also have a massive impact on the health of our connective tissue - and even ourexternal bodies, specifically our skin, nails and nair.  That’s why eating a healthy diet filled with what I like to call “Fascia Foods” is a really important part of my lifestyle - and I hope you can make it a part of yours.
Remember when you were young and science fiction films were set in the far distant year of 2020. Well here we are already! Cue every cliché about life speeding up and time accelerating (although we still don’t seem to have those jetpacks we were promised).
I truly believe that how you spend your morning makes such a huge difference in how you feel and carry yourself through the rest of the day. So I love to start my day with some rituals that work for me - and I hope they will for you too!
If you're familiar with my Taller, Slimmer, Younger 10-week Transformation Program, then you know about "Fascia Foods," aka foods that I refer to as nourishing, healing, and supportive of the health of your fascia and your body.

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