I truly believe that how you spend your morning makes such a huge difference in how you feel and carry yourself through the rest of the day. So I love to start my day with some rituals that work for me - and I hope they will for you too! They’re not complicated or fussy - all you need to commit to doing is getting up 15 minutes earlier to set yourself up to win the day in every way. First I start my day with five minutes of positive affirmations (like this one). Integrating an affirmation into your morning as soon as you wake helps elevate your state and can be an incredibly powerful tool. When you do this upon waking, your subconscious mind is more available for transformation. Find a quiet place, settle yourself and then get started by visualizing the energy of the mantra infusing your tissues, blood, bones, organs, joints, emotional body, aura and sending a profound message to the quantum field. After my morning affirmations, I love to do a quick dry brush to fire up my circulation and then spend 10 minutes of what I call my “R&R’ - 5 minutes on my foam roller and 5 minutes on my rebounder to boost my lymphatic system and wake up my body. Then, I enjoy a cup of organic coffee (of course!) and make a smoothie with my girls for breakfast. Smoothies are a favorite in my house since everyone enjoys them, they're super easy to make, and for those days when you’re racing out the door, they’re also super portable. Just pour it into a wide mouth water bottle and hit the road. I'm sharing the recipe for one of my favorite smoothies below. The ingredients are nourishing and nutrient-dense, which means your blood sugar will stay balanced, you'll feel energized and ready to take on the day and you won’t get hungry quickly. But perhaps the best thing about this smoothie is the ingredients are fabulous for restoring your entire system, and especially for feeding your fascia or connective tissue. Foods like avocado, coconut and blueberries all help to rebuild collagen, which is vital to build strength and resilience in your skin and tissues, decrease wrinkles, and give you a glow from the inside out. So please try out my morning smoothie - and add an affirmation and some “R&R” to really get you going for the best day ever.
Blueberry & Avocado Fascia-Boosting Smoothie

Serves 1
INGREDIENTS ½ cup frozen organic blueberries for fiber and antioxidants 1 cup of organic kefir (plain kefir for the gut-healing prebiotics & probiotics) ½ organic apple for fiber and to stabilize blood sugar 1/4 avocado for healthy fats ½ organic cucumber for the Alkalinizing effects Fresh or frozen coconut Sprinkle of chia seeds 2 handfuls of organic spinach 1 teaspoon of MCT oil to feed your brain 1 scoop Paleo Pro Protein powder 1 scoop of bone broth collagen protein for skin and fascia elasticity INSTRUCTIONS Add alkaline water, blend and drink! (Note: recipe originally appeared onCamille Styles.com on 6/24/19)