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Hello there, beautiful souls! It's Lo here, and I'm beyond excited to begin our December journey together - to a Replenished Body and Spirit. As the leaves change and we cozy into this beautiful, brisk season, it's the perfect time to find that sweet balance in our lives. Think of it as harmony between doing and being, aligning with nature, and flowing with the shifting temperatures and shorter days.

This month we are focusing on changing the paradigm around how we experience and process the reaction of stress, stressful situations and the aftermath. 

Stress is not meant to harm us, but is rather a reaction that is hardwired from within to help us survive. Of course, it doesn’t always seem like that but according to research, this is due to our perception of stress, rather than the stress itself. The good news about perception is that changing it is something we can control. This is especially important given that how we respond to stress is fundamental to our vitality, longevity and wellbeing. The side effects of long term accumulated chronic stress can become insidious, permeating into so many areas of our lives, increasing inflammation and belly fat, and causing weight gain, muscle loss, cancer and infertility to name a few, as well as breaking us down mentally, physically, emotionally and energetically - even triggering many diseases.  In fact, 95 percent of all illness is caused or worsened by stress. 

Gut health problems and digestive issues are rampant these days. Leaky gut, IBS and issues like bloating and constipation are all on the rise - and other problems like poor sleep, skin rashes and even autoimmune conditions can often be attributed to issues with our digestion.  So it’s no surprise that good health literally starts with our gut.

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