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  • 3 min read



If you’ve been a part of this community for a while, you know how much I appreciate cleansing, healing and grounding daily rituals to help us find balance, peace and alignment. Now it’s incredibly important to create time for Yin practices of “BEING” to help balance all the Yang of “DOING” and especially during this unprecedented year.

Finding presence helps us unwind and recenter. Unwinding & rebalancing is essential to replenish our bodies, attune our frequency, connect with our true emotions, tune in to our creative energy, listen to our inner wisdom, our purpose and feel ease and comfort in our home sanctuaries.

There are so many tools to do this and it is with a grateful heart that I can announce a new partnership with a stunning new wellness brand Haven Well Within. It’s an honor to be a part of their intimate and  diverse panel of lifestyle experts! I’ll be specializing in the Mind-Body-Heart Connection, sharing lots of ways to unwind.  I love their ethos and that helps us embrace our inner homebody.  They believe our homes should be a place of deep comfort and inspiration and offer thoughtful and purposeful products to help you recharge, refresh and feel well everyday.

If you follow my social media you know I am in the process of temporarily moving to my husband's home of New Zealand. Lake Wanaka in the south island is where we will call home for a while. Over these coming months I am excited to embrace this beautiful part of the world. Immerse in nature and create a home sanctuary for my family. 

Below are my top 3 tools to make this transition a tranquil one for us all:

Create a relaxing and soothing environment daily. Our home is always filled with music. BE that, Gus on the guitar, kitchen dance parties at cocktail hour or background music to help me focus on my work. I love to listen to soul nourishing beats.You can follow my custom monthly playlists in the Aligned Life Studio for some amazing suggestions to get you moving or calming your nervous system.



To me it’s incredibly important to keep movement as part of my daily go-to routine no matter if I’m travelling or settled at home. It’s key to restore and move our bodies. 

My online studio is organized with all the options SWEAT, CALM and HEAL to encourage you to open your heart, restore your body, shed layers of tension, stress and even excess weight emotionally or physically. And by using my signature Lo Rox Body Rolling & Bouncing collection, you’ll melt thickness, heaviness, density and stagnant energy from the entire body, improving functional strength, flexibility, mobility and digestion in the process while creating that strong, lean and graceful figure embodied with love and inner peace. Who doesn’t want that?

Moving our bodies is also key to cultivating better sleep and a more natural rhythm, which is so important for our overall well being. When we rest our tissues and cells renew, muscles and organs heal and our minds rest, plus sleep is essential for healthy skin, mood and even our weight.

I know most of us have been in loungewear these days, but how many of you still switch to sweats and PJs after your ‘working’ day? Even the clothes we wear have a vibration to make you feel ‘at home’  and unwind from our day.  Natural fabrics are my go-tos! My faves are the Cashmere pants and cozy knitwear in the Haven Well Within collection.

Tuning into the heart is powerful and being led by the dreams in our heart is where the magic happens. Here’s to all the new adventures you may have in 2021 and your chance to unwind and enjoy peace in the process.



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