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With six planets in reverse motion, be prepared for a slow-down during this month. Instead of reacting with frustration to the change of pace, make the necessary adjustments. Think things through carefully and seize opportunities through reflection. After an active first half of the year, this breather comes as a blessing. Mistakes are prevented through careful diligence which leads to security and contentment. 
Almost half the year has passed in 2023. May is the perfect month to evaluate your achievements manifested for the year so far. Take a good look where you are at right now on your path and outlay your ambitions for the months to come. The Sun’s transit through earthly Taurus for the first three weeks of May supports qualities like determination, stability and tenacity. These characteristics come handy now as impulsivity and hurried decisions can create various problems and conflicts. With a concrete strategy at hand you will be able to strengthen your material foundation. Focus on the constructive things in your life so that this month becomes a positive experience for you!
We have entered the new astrological year a couple of weeks agoThis passage marked a stepping stone into the New and UnknownDuring the first three weeks of this month, we are under the Aries influence which instills the pioneer instinct in you wanting to explore new territory full of hope and excitement. The Taurus phase that follows calls you right back to whatever is stable and tangible. This swing of the pendulum from adventurousness to comfort and security makes this month hugely contrasting and varied.

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