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In a new video collaboration, Lauren Roxburgh, structural integration and alignment specialist—and our resident fascia and pelvic floor authority—teams up with a medium, meditation leader, and author of Intuitive BeingJill Willard 
Get leaner-looking muscles with these moves from Gwyneth Platrow's pro!
BE Aligned by Lauren Roxburgh is a holistic mind-body system based on teachings Structural Integration and Classical Pilates that combines the benefits of self-healing with a workout that not only builds core strength and mental focus while sculpting and toning the body.
According to fitness expert Lauren Roxburgh, less is more. Current clients Britney Vest and Liza Rosen turned to Roxburgh after previous methods of fitness left them with tight hips and painful knees.
I have some amazing aligned life tips and a rolling sequence that helps improving digestive function by helping the body move food through the intestines and improving circulation to the belly area and rapidly reduce inflammation.
Nothing’s worse than that stubborn bra bulge. It’s happened to us all—you see a reflection of yourself in a mirror and catch a glimpse of a pinch of that dreaded back fat squeezed out by a tight bra strap.
Self-care may sound indulgent, but the fact is that it’s never been more important than it is today. So much of our physical state is a result of the stress and tension we carry around on a day-to-day basis.
Lauren will be teaching a foam rolling class at the Great Jane Retreat – a progressive retreat for mama entrepreneurs taking place May 20 to 22nd in magical Ojai, California.

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