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What is ELEVATE?

  • 4 min read


Firstly, I want to give you a huge warm welcome to‘ELEVATE’, my guided introduction to the  Aligned Life Studio. 

The main reason I created ELEVATE is because I know it can be confusing when you first sign up and log into the Studio.  

Where do I start?  

What workout or sequence is right for me?  

What order should I do things in?  

So the first aim of ELEVATE is to take all the guesswork out so you know exactly how to use the Studio. You’ll start with an Introductory week and then follow a program that I have carefully curated to take you through the full variety of workouts in the Studio over the course of the following 10 weeks. 

More importantly, the workouts and sequences have also been selected to take you through a progression so that each week you’re building on the workouts you did in the preceding week(s). As you do this you will also be working through various parts of your body in a sequence designed to bring you into optimal alignment.

But ELEVATE is about more than just workouts, because really my method is all about a more holistic approach to wellness - what I like to call “body and soul medicine.” While the videos in the Aligned Life Studio are the cornerstone of what we’re going to do over the 11 weeks, we go much deeper.  So ELEVATE is also great if you’re already a member of the Studio and want a guided Program that will help you reset and reboot your entire system.  Over the course of the 11 weeks I outline a complete lifestyle plan for you, ranging from my beautifying   ‘Fascia Foods’ approach to nutrition to tips like affirmations and other self-care rituals that will help you achieve complete well-being and joy in body, mind and soul!  Because that is ultimately what we’re all looking for!

How does ELEVATE work?

When you join the Aligned Life Studio, you will have access to ELEVATE within my platform. If you aren’t already a studio subscriber you can participate in the Introductory week, under the  7 day FREE trial. Then every week you will get an email which will have a short video from me telling you what you need to do on that week of your ELEVATE journey. 

The week’s are organized around a theme, for example,“awakening to a new reality” and“reconnecting to your foundation.” Like the workouts themselves, I’ve designed these themes to take you through a progression towards real and long-lasting change for the better - in your body, your health, your mindset and your life!

You’ll also get a link to the calendar that sets out your Aligned Life Studio workouts and sequences for that week, plus some of the other things I want you to do during this week. 

Everything you need is also included in the downloadable PDF too. The first Part of the ELEVATE PDF is an introduction into the philosophy behind my Aligned Life method. The second part is the information you need for each of the weeks.


Well, being part of the Studio is all about elevating in every aspect of your body and your life. When we elevate we raise our vibration, our confidence, our strength and our energy. And you are about to do exactly that as you start this 11-week journey inside the Aligned Life Studio. 

You will look and feel better in your body, clear blockages and truly start glowing from the inside out. You  will start  to  connect with your own heightened sense of confidence and inner knowing. You will have clarity on how the world, the universe, the ‘source’ or whatever you like to call it, has your back. And when you know this you can live a life which is elevated because you know you are on your true path. You are effortlessly and gracefully living in the body of your dreams. You are connected and lovingly nourishing yourself with the right foods for you (in the right amounts!) - and it feels intuitively right as you do so.  And most of all your thoughts and emotions are aligned towards kindness, grace, connection and love for yourself and others in every aspect of your life.

It all sounds too good to be true, right?  Well I’m here to show you that it’s not - and I know this because thousands of people just like you have had these results.  If you need any extra proof (or motivation), please head over to check out the transformations, testimonials and  Before and After photos and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

If reading this is resonating in some way for you, then I would love for you to commit to joining me and dive deep, making space for your self care and wellbeing journey. 

I know many of us are so busy and over-committed that carving out time for ourselves each day might sound impossible or even selfish. But if you’re not taking the time to nurture yourself and connect to the real you, how can you take care of others in your life? 

Let’s ELEVATE together.

Xx Lo

Sign up to join me and let's ELEVATE

*If you are already a Studio member, be sure to still sign up so you can receive the weekly emails and journey with us together on February 1st.



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