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  • 3 min read

The whisper of love is the language of the awakened.


Dear beautiful one,  

Finding balance and harmony within yourself is the key to a happy October. Once that place of inner contentment is found it is reflected in your external world. Dedicate this month to self-improvement which will positively affect your connection with others. Let beauty and love be your daily companions and connect with the heart of others through warmth and affection.


On Sunday, 8th October (Monday, 9th October NZ) Venus enters Virgo and stays there until the 8th November 2023.  
Service to others becomes an expression of love and kindness under this transit. You feel the need to give in practical ways. Erase worry and criticism from your state of mind and focus on duty and having your work done.

 Pluto goes direct again on Wednesday, 11th October (Thursday, 12th October NZ).  Pluto’s mission to expel anything toxic during the retrograde motion has transformed you into a new powerful being. You are readily armed with the potential to break down any structures in your life that no longer serve you.

 On Saturday, 14th October (Sunday, 15th October) there is a New Moon and a Total Solar Eclipse in Libra happening.  Make your relationships a priority and understand the value of harmony and peace in your personal environment and in your partnerships. Diplomacy and the need for fair results support any negotiations you are undertaking. The Solar Eclipse is a time of endings and new beginnings, something comes to a completion. It might mean that you have to let go of a relationship that has passed its used by date and that you  must move on with gratitude for the time you shared together. 






Intention for this New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse:

I need to nurture my relationships with dedication and effort.


On Monday, 23rd October (Tuesday, 24th October) the Sun enters Scorpio and stays there until the 22nd November:  You are seeking depth under this transit. Superficiality is not your cup of tea. You like to research and investigate matters and go to their essence. Control issues and a tendency for extremism are emphasized. Seek ways to heal, transform and find your personal power.



There is a Taurus Full Moon and a Partial Lunar Eclipse happening on Saturday, 28th October (Sunday, 29th October NZ).  The most valuable skill for this Full Moon is to keep calm and to find harmony in your emotional world. Use the best tools to solve your internal problems instead of agonizing with unhappiness and dissatisfaction over material matters or personal defeats. Ask yourself what practical steps can I take to thrive and how can I use my power for the wellbeing of others.

Contemplation for this Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse:

How can I realise my potential without violating anyone’s interests?

Key phrases to focus on during this month are:

  • You are readily armed with the potential to break down any structures in your life that no longer serve you.

  • Make your relationships a priority and understand the value of harmony and peace in your personal environment and in your partnerships.

  • Seek ways to heal, transform and find your personal power.

The strength of healthy relationships become evident during this month. Investing time in understanding each other opens up the pathway for healing. Create space for vulnerabilities to be revealed and be surprised by the deep emotional bond you are creating between the two of you.

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